Thursday, 27 June 2013

part 3

Actually, I am not really sure what life really is. I mean how can anybody can be sure about it. It is really a subject of high importance and research and development.
People talk of afterlife when they don’t even know what they have to do in their present lives, what role the have in this whole life thing.
Alright, yet another concept just stroke my mind.
Life = matrix or pudding
People around us = various component or constituents of the matrix which determine its functioning.
Decisions made by us = like the forces between the matrix and its constituents. It decides whether repulsive or attractive forces should exist between them.

Additives = these are the anonymous constituents in the matrix which basically work on positive or negative luck like, you have a science test today at school for which you haven’t prepared at all. But, the day is declared as a rainy day which implies holiday. The negative side effect, you have to put on a presentation within a week’s time but  due to sudden reasons your boss had decided to have the presentation earlier.

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